Team Leadership Training

Creating a Team of Leaders

Team-based coaching is a powerful tool for organizations looking to improve their leadership capabilities. By using a combination of in-person and virtual workshops, individual and group coaching, self-empowerment and team building can be achieved. The goal is to create a team of leaders who can work together effectively, establish positive team dynamics, and foster a healthy work environment with effective lines of communication. To get the most out of the program, in-person or virtual workshops involving the leadership team and high-potential members are recommended to reinforce the importance of the program and allow the team to focus on the leadership journey. Individual and group follow-on coaching will then be done on a monthly basis to allow the participants to focus on application, reflection, and growth. If you’re interested in learning more about how we can help your team reach its goals, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to book a free consultation. We’re always happy to help!


Duration: 50 min

Cost: 5k (+GST) per month | 27k(+GST) per 6 months. 

Coaching up to 6 team members per group.

Additional team members $700 each

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